Monday, December 17, 2012


So I nerdyblogstalk this adorable, witty, fashion blogger named Cammila Collar at Although we have completely different body types, I decided to mimic her outfit today since it was my day off and I didn't have to wear my black uniform. So, here's Cammila:
I know, awesome.
Here's  me:
I went with Ken's sweater instead because the cute flannel shirts I bought him seem to have gone missing.....:(
Today's adventures took Theresa and I to Saver's...where what might be the most unflattering series of photographs taken of me...were..taken...But I'm going to post them anyway to show you my Saver's haul!
First off, Theresa and I considered purchasing this art. You can see why.
What the hell am I doing???!!!
Positive note though: that white blouse behind me is a Laundry by Shelli Segel which retailed at $ it for $7.

Close your mouth!

When we got home, I chopped up this Cobb salad. Then I tried to make gnocchi with potatoes that weren't mashed...FAIL.
There's always tomorrow friends.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, stop putting yourself down and comparing yourself to other weirdos. You're perfectly weird the way you are! I always tell Grace she's a nerd and that nerds rule, 'cause I'm queen of nerds! You're the shizznit! Embrace your wonderful individuality. That's what makes us all love you.
